Trading Buddy Class Schedule

Basic Trading Psychology
Mondays - 12 PM MST

Weekly class covering basics topics of Trading Psychology and psychology in general
Learn how to perceive emotions
Learn how emotions work
Learn how to accept and manage risk
Learn how to balance confidence vs overconfidence
Learn how to deal with losses
Learn how to improve your trading results through psychology
Group Mentoring
Tuesdays - 5 PM MST
Thursdays-10 AM MST
I believe that personalized coaching is essential to improve your trading performance. I have invested thousands of dollars in myself to receive personalized coaching to see how my own trading results and performance needed improvement. I have also mentored hundreds of traders to do the same. I believe those who invest in such programs see improvements and make significant strides in their trading. If you can afford it, invest in yourself! (And there are many ways we can make your coaching funds to work in your favor long-term! Just reach out to me to find out how)​
However, and understandably, many have limited funds to invest in personal coaching for their trading. This is why I offer this group mentoring room to all traders in our Trading Buddy community. It is so important to have support for one another as traders. This could be one of the most important "trading rooms" that we have.
If you cannot afford personalized coaching, this class is the perfect alternative!
Wednesdays- 10 AM MST
Advanced Trading Psychology

Weekly class covering advanced topics of Trading Psychology
Learn how the brain, neuroplasticity, epigenetics work
Learn how to develop Emotional Intelligence in trading, to develop greater awareness, understanding and actions pertaining to emotions
Learn how to align your thoughts, words and actions with your trading goals
Learn about subconscious beliefs and how to change them, upgrade them
Learn about cognitive biases and how to overcome them
Learn how to improve your trading results through psychology
Spend time reading the best trading psychology books
Discuss the best trading psychology content by other traders and trading psychologists
Fridays - 10AM MST
Return & Report

Performance & Improvement Accountability
This is a class that is sorely needed for all traders who trade in isolation. It is an ACCOUNTABILITY room that requires your honesty and transparency of your trading performance.
In this room, we will encourage you to perform the needed exercises and follow the correct principles that will inevitably help you succeed in your trading. If you're not doing well or improving, it's probably because you have no accountability.
In this room, I will encourage the attendees to report your process goals and then expect you to return with the results, good or bad. Only then will we be able to make the needed adjustments that trading the markets requires of us as professional traders.
Fridays - 1 PM MST
Futures & FX Forecast Weekly
An exclusive look at the futures and forex markets for the upcoming week, including the stock futures and major USD forex pairs
Not a signals service, rather a showing of what markets I personally am looking to engage with to catch swing-style trades in the markets. Lots of winning trades, but plenty of losers too. Learn how to deal with them losers.
Learn to patiently wait for daily price action moves that give us an idea of continuation or countertrend patterns
A quick reference for those looking for high reward, low risk set-ups.